Getting a GRASP on Technology

The Stasko Agency prides itself in staying current and fresh with the latest ideas. Keeping our eyes toward the future, we have partnered with Grasp Creative Media, an online marketing and video production company, which is looking to revolutionize the way we use online videos to promote businesses. This is truly the next stage in marketing, and is quickly gaining momentum within the online arena.

Here's the idea: Companies are spending millions to advertise through traditional mediums. Imagine the costs of a TV ad spot during the Superbowl! But as we become more sophisticated in technology, some of those methods will become obsolete. (How many people with TiVo ACTUALLY watch commercials on a regular day, if they can just fast forward through them?) Now think about how online video is changing the way we take in information. YouTube is wildly popular these days! Many companies are noticing these trends and creating videos to put online, but often times, these efforts get lost in the shuffle and are never viewed again.

Grasp Creative Media is creating an opportunity for businesses to maximize their online marketing efforts, by bringing frequently scheduled, relevant, custom video to their sites. Companies can now use video to attract viewers to their site, and keep them coming back over and over again!

There are already companies out there using similar technology! Check out

We are thrilled to be part of this venture, and hope to find ways to connect clients to newer technology in order to gain maximum exposure in the ever-changing online community!